DDP Ice Skate Rink Opens (~2018 Feb 25) at Dongdaemun Design Plaza

DDP Ice Skate Rink Opens (~2018 Feb 25)
at Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Dongdaemu, Seoul, Korea

Hyundai Motor Company, the official sponsor of Pyeong Chang 2018 Olympic Game,s opened ice skate rink until 2018 Feb 25.

This is the scene of the DDP Plaza with Ice skating rink. The rinks is available for everybody. I've visited the place 2 weeks ago on the opening day. These days, the rink is quite crowded with people. Let me show you :)


The DDP Plaza is directly connected to Dongdaemun History and Culture Part Station on Exit no.1, so it is easy to find the place.


This is the entrance of the DDP Ice skate rink. I've just found that the official name of the rink is "Light Up Ice Rink".

Here are some information i've found on lightupyourenergy.co.kr, the reservation site for DDP ice skate rink.

Date : 2017/12/11 ~ 2018/2/25
(not open on every Mondays due to skate rink maintenance)

Occupancy: 50 persons

Hours of Use : 1hr for each round

Entrance fee: Free
   (If you have your own gloves and skates, it is totally free)

    If you need to borrow skates, rental fee is 1,000 KRW for 1hr
        gloves price: 1,000KRW/pair
    Coin Locker: 500KRW /once

Reservation Website: 

(You can also use the rink on site without reservations, but the occupancy that can use the rink without reservation is limited to 25 persons, so I would recommend to reserve in advance.)

The ice skate rink at DDP opens 13:30 everyday (except Mondays). Please refer the timetables on the photo.

There is 30 minutes of maintenance time between the rounds.

This is the photo of the DDP ice skate rink before opening. The date was the opening day, so there were not many people. However this is a kind of hot-place in Seoul. It was so nice to skate on the ice at the center of Seoul.

Don't forget to take a selfie on the photo-wall of PyeongChang 2018!

If you need any further information or help, please feel free to leave a comment :)


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